
The Wines of Campania

I subjected myself to DNA testing not so very long ago. You know what I mean, one of those things where you spit into a cup and mail it away. Much less intrusive than the current Covid-19 test and the results are much more socially upbeat. The city of Salerno turns out to be the

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The Father of Napa Wine

What images are generated in your mind when I mention the brand Inglenook? Probably thoughts of cheap, unpleasant-tasting wine. Plonk. But, trust me… that was not always the case. Located in the premiere Rutherford region of Napa, Inglenook was founded in 1879 by Finnish sea captain, Gustave Niebaum. His goal was to produce wines that

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Here’s To Your Health

For the moment – and I grant that it is a protracted moment – the entire planet is focused on defeating a deadly virus. Our focus is rightfully on our health. An important element of those efforts includes socially distancing – leaving us lots of free time. And there is no reason not to try

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In Memory of a Great Winemaker

The wine making industry lost a giant a few weeks ago. Robert A. Pecota passed away quietly at his Calistoga, CA home. Bob was an owner, winemaker and hands-on businessman. He was an agricultural leader who loved being in touch with the earth and using his superior knowledge to create unique vintages reflective of the

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The French Have A Word For It

Don’t they always? Thank goodness for the people of France and their unending ability to orchestrate a large, complex group of concepts into one single word. In this case that word is – TERROIR. Terroir is perhaps the most important, yet least understood, word in the vocabulary of wine. You see, we Americans tend to

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Pairing Wine With Food

Perhaps you consider it one of life’s great mysteries – The truth is, pairing an appropriate vintage with your favorite dish does not need to be difficult. All it takes is some common sense, self-confidence and following a few simple principles.Before we begin, I beg you to bear in mind that the “Prime Directive” in

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Why Do I Have A Red Wine Headache?

Pity the poor tannin. Blamed for everything from bitter tasting wine to headaches. Fingers wagging and denigrating comments are all too common, when in fact tannin are one of the healthiest elements in wine. Tannin are a type of astringent molecule that expedites proteins and various other organic compounds, including amino acids and alkaloids. They

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