As a wine professional in Bradenton, I’ve been advocating that my readers shop for their wine at a retail wine store, rather than their local supermarket

As a wine professional in Bradenton, I’ve been advocating that my readers shop for their wine at a retail wine store, rather than their local supermarket. Yes, purchasing wine along with your groceries may be convenient, but taking the time to shop at a specialty store also has its advantages:

Better selection – Supermarkets are limited to uber big wine producers who manufacture sufficient quantities to meet the volume requirements of large chains. This, by definition, eliminates virtually all smaller and intriguing boutique wineries.

Better price/value – Since supermarkets limit themselves to established mega brands they do not include selections from emerging producers who are trying to gain traction by offering exciting vintages at lower prices.  Further, the supermarket’s import section is subject to the same restrictions – missing thousands of wonderful choices.  Never be fooled into thinking that you’re getting better wine for less at a supermarket. Nuh-uh.

Expert Assistance – Ah, now we get to the important stuff.  Folks often have difficulty when shopping for wine.  They don’t know enough about the products, can’t keep up on great new stuff and often can’t read the darn language on the label.  Trust me, if you find yourself choosing a wine based predominantly on its clever name or pretty label graphic… you need the help of a Wine Guy. 

By the way, let’s be clear – the term Wine Guy is generic and gender neutral.  Male or female, all wine experts are Wine Guys.  And I can assure you, some of the best are female.  Supermarkets choose to not provide a wine expert on staff, even though their wine revenues represent a large portion of their store’s income.  Any employee you may encounter in the wine department may have just come from a tour of duty in produce, cereals or cosmetics.  If they do have some designated wine duties their education and familiarity is typically limited to what they are being told by their distributor reps – sales people all. What everyone needs is help from an individual possessing wine training and experience who is also familiar with developing industry trends. The role of the Wine Guy demands that they are free from any responsibility to sell a particular brand or product.  That way their opinion remains unbiased, without a conflict of interest.  Their one and only obligation should be to help you find a vintage that satisfies your unique individual needs, thus establishing you as a long-term customer for their store.

So, what exactly should you look for when shopping for your personal Wine Guy: 

Genuine wine expertise.  Not limited to a particular region or varietal type.

A friendly, helpful demeanor.  Beware the pretentious snob or the aggressive salesperson.

A focus on YOU and YOUR preferences. Beware the expert who begins by telling you, “Well, my favorite is…”  Her tastes are hers – not yours.  She may enjoy things that would make you cringe. Your Wine Guy should begin by asking you lots of questions about yourself, so as to better understand your palate. That knowledge will lead to a proper match with the right product.

Respect for your budget. He should ask what you want to spend – and you should tell him the truth.  He should be able to find something pleasing in your price range. Well… within reason, of course. 

Familiarity with the store.  She should be familiar with all of the products in the store and the wide variety of products available in the marketplace.

A commitment to your satisfaction.  If he makes a recommendation, he should be prepared to stand behind it.  If you take it home and are dissatisfied, you should be able to return it for a refund or exchange.  But, be advised – don’t drink the whole bottle and then claim you didn’t like it.  That never works.

Shop for your Wine Guy as intensely as you would for a good pair of shoes.  The first one you see may not be right.  May not fit.  Try him on.  If his recommendations aren’t working out seek another who may in be more in touch with your individual needs.  Finally, once you find your Wine Guy – work with him consistently to establish a firm, continuing business relationship. Let her get to know you and your palate. Recommend her to your friends.  The right guy or gal will lead you to years of wine enjoyment and smart shopping.

Happy hunting… and shopping!